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Bangladesh is a country filled with literally thousands of rivers. They all flow from the north and trickle their way into three of the major rivers, Padma, Meghna and Jamuna which ultimately make their way to the south - Bongoposhagor or the Bay of Bengal. Just as the countless rivers contribute their water and silt to the nation, ultimately all flowing to the same destination, our vision is that Bangladeshis across the globe contribute their talents, passion and thoughts to build a nation we are delighted by. Our vision is to create an unparalleled harmony of passion and effort among Bangladeshis across the globe that spans 6 generations in front of us. Our successors do the same and focus 6 generations in front of them so that we, a collective body of Bangladeshis separated by geography and generations, become the driving force in creating an ever-sustainable and vibrant Bangladesh.

scroll vision

Bangladesh is a country filled with literally thousands of rivers. They all flow from the north and trickle their way into three of the major rivers, Padma, Meghna and Jamuna which ultimately make their way to the south – Bongoposhagor or the Bay of Bengal. Just as the countless rivers contribute their water and silt to the nation, ultimately all flowing to the same destination, our vision is that Bangladeshis across the globe contribute their talents, passion and thoughts to build a nation we are delighted by. Our vision is to create an unparalleled harmony of passion and effort among Bangladeshis across the globe that spans 6 generations in front of us. Our successors do the same and focus 6 generations in front of them so that we, a collective body of Bangladeshis separated by geography and generations,
become the driving force in creating an ever-sustainable and
vibrant Bangladesh.

Bangladesh follows the system of parliamentary democracy, with elections being held every five years. Bangladesh was one of the first countries to have a female leader in the latter half of the 20th century, between 1991 and 2011.
Climate change is a major concern for Bangladesh. Due to its low altitude, sea level rise (associated with global warming) is expected to create more than 25 million climate refugees—people who are forced to move to a new country due to climate change.
The Bangladesh flag is green and red. The green represents the fertile green lands and villages of Bangladesh and red stands for Freedom, in particular, the blood shed to gain that freedom.
Photos: Manir Mrittik
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